The Jam Side Up Challenge

Here comes our first contest…

Steve and Eve’s adventures have launched! They aim to Spread Kindness, Like Jam on Toast as they work to help save the planet!

Living Jam Side Up is having a positive attitude, believing that most things you do will land happily (Jam Side UP), though knowing that it is ok if sometimes things land with a splat (Jam Side DOWN).

Steve and Eve believe that kindness and positivity are the magic superpowers that will save the planet, so get ready to flip your toast and land it Jam-Side-Up along with us!

Let’s all share videos of our jammed-toast landing Jam Side Up! Tag us on your favourite social media platforms @SaveThePlanetBook and use hashtags #jamsideup #climateaction. And please try to say in your video what you are doing in the world to Spread Kindness, Like Jam on Toast!

Jam Side Up Challenge testing is underway…


Oh no… Jam Side DOWN :(

Yay, Jam Side UP!


Jam Side UP in slow motion with a floor landing

Jam Side UP with a chair landing


Last page of the book, where “Spreading kindness, like jam on toast!” gets its start…